
Friday, November 1, 2013

Setting Our Intentions for November: COMMITMENT

Setting Our Intentions for November: COMMITMENT

Good Morning, Soul-FULL Friends

This is about the millionth time that I have thought about embarking on this Project, have spent a load-full of months pondering and putting it aside -- but something wonderful yesterday on Samhain happened in my life, and I am determined and COMMITTED in starting this project AGAIN with "Soul Coaching" (book by Denise Linn, with the guided old course from Jamie Ridler's 'The Next Chapter' from her Book Blogging site five years ago)!!!!!

More about this later, but let's start 'Setting Our Intentions for November' -- mine is COMMITMENT (unless I change my mind, lol!)


Intentions for 2014:  My Spiritual Journeys with 'Planting the Seeds Of Our Spiritual Growth' leading the Path through Opening 'Nineteen Candles, One Flame' -- along with my Creative, Healing, Fire-Scrying Celtic Goddess, Brigid, Whom has planted a seed of growth in my Womb for many years.

PLANTING THE SEEDS OF OUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH -- A gathering of Souls united together in learning how to plant not only seeds for flowers, plants, trees, herbs, etc. -- but also our 'Selves' and planting of our spiritual growths yet to come forth in our lives!!!

Whether we have already 'planted' our spiritual seeds or are just beginning in planting of seeds of our new-found spiritual path, we start realizing that in all of life itself -- for if something is to become of manifestation of growth or change, new seeds are always being planted or re-planted and nourished or tended to in order for manifestations to occur.

In knowing what 'seeds to plant', one must start from the very beginning and know thyself what needs to be changed in our own spiritual lives, so like a seed planted in the soil of the Earth, it can be a place for our new beginnings, a place of finding our 'Selves' in the dark -- and once watered and tended to and given sunshine, we can only then begin to see ourselves change and sprout from the ground up. And the more we receive these inspirations of self-growth and self-change, we begin budding and blooming like that of a beautiful flower. If we do not tend to ourselves, like if a plant or flower is not nourished by us, our lives become like that of a dead-head of a bloom, we just sit there and decay, and soon our growth and changes are stumped -- and though our spirit or soul may still be within and around us, it seems to 'die' and so do our spiritual manifestations we long for in our lives.

When we plant our seed on the land we live on, we must walk and talk and tend to that seed -- for who knows, you might just manifest your spiritual awakenings into something unique and new in yourself that you have never seen before!

Blessings )O(
~ Shami xo (originally composed in ©June 2010)

Embarking with the Flow on my 'Soul Coaching' that I have not forgotten, I found my Intentions that I had originally written back in 2010 that are STILL ALIVE TODAY!

From my past project, I had ..... :
My next step on this is to "Gesso lightly over the marker-ed page, and paint a picture with Acrylic Paints over it, whatever at that moment in time I work on the next step in this project, something of my 'Soul Coaching Intentions' "...xo.

*(Photo taken by Shami,  Monday, 21 January 2013)*

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