
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Magick of the Season: Snow-FULL Medicine with "Soul Coaching"

Soul-FULL friends at Digging Deep Within Your Soul and Planting the Seeds Of Our Spiritual Growth -- Good Morning to the Magickal Time of the Year, I've got SNOW !!! *Yay Snow* (And it has snowed here again, today on the 15th of January as well!)!!!

The time has arrived (hee hee, or in my world, 'keeps' arriving, LOL!) where we look deeper inside of our Soul-FULL Selves, Digging Deeper each time into our very own Souls, peering into the Shadows and Lights of our Hibernating Spirits, on the Land, in our Place of Musings, written in our Journals and in our own Hearts on the Soulful Spiritual Path that we are on.

The 'Magick of the Season' has arrived as sweet Yule songs play with the Harmony of our True Heart's Desires. Today, mine is ringing and jingling in through *Snow-FULLy Medicine* on my Soul Coaching Spiritual Path I am embarking in this Winter.    

~What is Denise Linn's "Soul Coaching" all about?

~What does digging deeper into your Soul mean?

~In what ways does our Spirit call to us on this new Journey?

I'm about to find out.
And I'm starting off with this quote from the Preface in her book:

"There is no better time to start than right now,
because if not now, when?

Your life will always be filled with challenges, but you
do not need to wait for everything to be perfect.

You need only believe that you are on the right path,
and you are on the right path --
from a spiritual perspective, we all are.

In fact, we always have been,
even when we did not know it."
(Denise Linn, pg. location in eBook on Cloud Reader 117)

Shami's Soul-FULL Journaling Musings

I'm here drinking some 'Blue' stuff as the weather's turning colder and dark outside tonight before starting to make dinner, awaiting for our last December 2013 to turn over in a little over six hours at Midnight to the New Year of January 2014 -- strumming my pen-on-paper, inspired by Jess'ness Required's post at her site and OMGoddess, YES! *(finally!!!)* -- Five 'Values' narrowed down for me to bring into next year!

Shami's Intentions Descriptive Words for This Year in 2014:

" intention's descriptive words for this year. These will change and grow as I do in the program. Again, nothing is set in stone. I feel really good with the words I've chosen. I'm not necessarily comfortable about something can be good -- it means you are growing." (Jess'ness Required, 'The Important of Setting Intentions' at

I have chosen five of my 'Values' at this moment (awesome that I found you, my friend Heather -- learn how
to find your own as well and come play with us at JOURNEY TO AUTHENTIC YOU!) that I, Indigenous Shamanic Winds (Shami), most connect to at this time being:

Respectful + Feeling of Spirit ('Within' & 'Without') + Honesty + Walk My Own Path + Determination

When I first thought about starting to study "Soul Coaching", I wanted to write out my 'Intentions' for why I wanted to fulfill this experience in my life. I'm being honest here, I was stuck -- and as most who've seen me post here and there throughout my Blogs and about getting this up-and-going, it's been a few years. How did I go so long being STUCK? Maybe I needed to learn other things before it, maybe I wasn't ready for it yet ... I know I'm a big procrastinator, but for a few years??!!! I'm still 'Trusting the Process' here, I feel the Universe will open up to me as I will to it when I'm good and ready!

So this is a small start. And I loved the advice Jess suggested in this same article as well, I needed an Inspirational Guide with my Writing -- so will be working on this later as I find time during the rest of my week off work.

"I encourage you to set some intentions -- practice asking yourself:

  • ~Why am I striving for this?
  • ~Why did I begin this?
  • ~What do I need to get out of this?
  • ~Where is this taking me?
  • ~What areas of my life is this benefiting, or going to benefit?
  • ~How does this affect me?
  • ~Who in my life is this going to impact?
  • ~How does this affect my loved ones and others?

BLESSings for A Digging Deep Within Your Soul-FULL New Year!
Bye, Bye 2013 -- Here We Come, HELLO 2014!!!

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